Discovering Cannabis: A Content Series to Help You Make Informed Decisions

Discovering Cannabis: A Content Series to Help You Make Informed Decisions

I entered the cannabis industry in 2015.

Practicing regulatory law wasn’t much fun and I was looking for more interesting assignments.  I also wanted to change laws in the Carolinas.  We started our company in 2017 when North Carolina first legalized hemp manufacturing.  We partnered with a local farm conglomerate, built out a processing facility and sold ingredients to large brands.  Then we began making products for companies and started our own brand.  After COVID, we decided to focus exclusively on our brand.  

I’ve operated at every level in the cannabis industry.  We have farmed, processed, made active ingredient in bulk, formulated and made products at scale and have sold products directly into the consumer market.  And I’m a consumer myself.

I know the industry inside and out and sometimes it is even hard for me to understand. 

Over the next few months, or however long it takes, we are going to do a content series hoping to pass this information onto you.  We’ll review the significant cultural history of cannabis, why it works, how it works and how to make sure it works best for you.  We’ll take whatever questions you want to throw our way and will try to answer them in plain language.   We want to empower you to make informed choices about your health and well-being. 

We will post these in blog form and will also make them available on our social channels.  We’ll also launch on e-book before summer. 

We are grateful every time you choose Naternal. 

Thank you very much.

Garrett Perdue

Founder | CEO